Above image, by Jake Adams- 2008-Wall series-Charcoal on paper

by Jake Adams- 2008-Wall series-Charcoal on paper

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Exhibition Opening on JULY 9th including artwork by Jake Adams

Oil on (505)wood panels
artwork by Jake Adams
Jake Adams will be re-visiting and manipulating his latter work called "Friends" for the exhibition entitled "CART" by the wonderful Current Gallery in Downtown Baltimore. This exhibition will allow him to finally complete his vision for the artwork. One key component was left out when he thought he finished it before. That component being the selling of personal information (Demographics) to buyers. The opening night of this exhibition will take place on July 9th (further information will be given later). Feel free to email Jake if you have any questions about the time or exact location of the gallery. -- ---adamouskicompetitions@gmail.com WE WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOu THERE!!